Our View: Newspapers reflection of community

Journalism is loosely, but pretty accurately, defined as the collecting, writing, editing and presenting of news. And it goes without saying that journalists are considered the professionals who collect, organize, write, edit, present and distribute news or information.

There are many methods of distribution — television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.

This week is dedicated to celebrating how newspapers stand out among other news media.

National Newspaper Week is about elevating newspapers as one of the most reliable forms of obtaining factual news.

On Tuesday we shared a list of several reasons why you should read your local newspaper, like our newsroom is staff by people you know — many of whom call Winchester-Clark County home — and our sources are also faces and names you will recognize, among others.

But, while we can get busy collecting, writing and distributing the news, it can be easy to forget why many people become journalists.

Yes, journalists are here to tell you what’s happening in your community. Often newspapers are here to help you understand why you should care.

But, more importantly, by doing so, newspapers have the power to be catalysts for change or action in the communities they serve.

We were reminded of that this week when we learned that a recent article sparked some community involvement.

On Saturday, reporter Fred Petke took a closer look at how the county has taken responsibility — financially and physically — for providing burials for those who can’t afford it or don’t have family when they die.

After reporting this information, Clark County Road Supervisor Kevin Wilson heard from a local church congregation that is interested in helping maintain the cemetery.

We take no credit for all the hard work that has gone into the making sure everyone gets a show of respect and dignity when they pass away, but we are glad to be able to spread the news about these valuable things happening in the community.

As the editorial cartoon at the of today’s opinion page reminds us, in the words of Arthur Miller: “A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself.”

In this case, The Winchester Sun can only be as good as our community allows us to be.
