Club news for Nov. 12, 2019

LLL Club has Oct. meeting

The LLL Club met Oct. 15 at Central Baptist Church for the monthly meeting and potluck luncheon.

David Hoffman, president, called the meeting to order and led the group in prayer.

Bob Quick led the group in singings “I Must Tell Jesus” and “There’s Land That Is Fairer Than Day” accompanied by Peggy Snowden on the piano.

Dr. Bill Snowden, who gave the devotion “New Heaven and New Earth” based on Isaiah 65, closed with prayer.

Hoffman introduced Clint Stevens, minister of music at Central Baptist Church, who gave his personal testimony.

The minutes were given by Gayle Crowe and Phyllis Henderson submitted the treasurer’s report.

The next club meeting is Nov. 19.

“Happy Birthday” was sung to Pat Gibbs.

Hoffman read the prayer list and Ken Durkin gave the closing prayer and table blessing.

Lunch was served to members Alice Barrett, Gayle Crowe, Mary Dinsmore, Ken and Barbara Durkin, Pat Gibbs, Peggy Gibson, Jo Gravett, Phyllis Henderson, David and Glenda Hoffman, Anita Jones, Lila Omohundro, John Powell, Bob and Marie Quick, Bonnie Sartin, Dr. Bill and Peggy Snowden, Janice Taulbee, Carolyn Todd, Mary Watts and Conrad and Geraldine Young; and guests Greg Groen and Clint Stevens.

AARP has Oct. meeting

AARP Chapter 632 met Oct. 29 at the James B. Allen Generations Center with Sue Staton presiding. There were 29 members and guests present.

Staton led the group in prayer for those who were absent because of illness and read scripture from 1 Peter.

Corina Martin led the pledge to the flag, after which the group enjoyed a fish fry prepared by James and Elizabeth Gay.

Bonnie Johnson sang “I Know Enough – It Keeps Me Pressing On” in memory of Betty Ballard’s daughter.

Don Rose asked if there was interest in raising another $500 for work with military veterans. A decision needs to be made by Dec. 16. Last year, this chapter presented a certificate of appreciation and Elizabeth Gay provided a red, white and blue blanket to each Clark County vet.

It was noted the old Trapp Elementary School is being transformed into a transitional home for female vets. The facility will have eigeht rooms with a total of 32 beds. Services available will include classes on financial planning, job training, nutrition and help with restoring relationships. Lady Veterans Connect is in charge and will need help getting the site ready for the women to move in. Staton will contact Phyllis Abbott, executive director, to ask about their specific needs.

The group was asked if there is interest in helping with Operation Happiness. That organization needs help answering phones and sorting clothes. Clothing donations, such as coats and shoes, may be dropped off at their location at 30 Taylor Ave.

The group will decide in December how to distribute our donations.

Colista Ledford read the secretary’s report and Joyce Reffett presented the treasurer’s report.

The chapter’s new officers will be installed at the December meeting: Lynn May, president; Glyness Everett, vice president; Colista Ledford, secretary; and Joyce Reffett, treasurer. Everyone 50 or older is invited to join at 4:30 p.m. Dec. 10 at the James B. Allen Generations Center, 32 Meadow St. There will not be a meeting in November.
