Fiscal court mulls cutting committees

Four of the Clark County Fiscal Court’s committees went on the chopping block this week, but were spared when the motion to dissolve them died for lack of a second.

During Wednesday’s fiscal court meeting, the decision on choosing a local agent for the county’s insurance was handed to Clark County Judge-Executive Henry Branham and his staff after the insurance committee could not make a recommendation.

The insurance committee had previously failed to offer a recommendation after members were absent, meaning there was not a quorum.

Later in the meeting, Magistrate Greg Elkins asked about doing away with the insurance committee after it could not recommend an agent. Elkins said the committee had a job to do, but did not do it.

During the court’s June 13 meeting, there were presentations and lengthy discussion about choosing a local agent of record for the county’s insurance but tabled the matter until the insurance committee could make a decision. That decision was not made.

Wednesday, Branham then made a motion to dissolve four committees: insurance, fire department, road department and animal shelter.

The committees are supposed to meet regularly and make recommendations to the full court.

“I don’t think any of our committees function properly,” Branham said.

If the committees were abolished, Branham said the magistrates could meet individually with department heads and offer ideas or insights.

The motion, though, died for lack of a second. Branham would not allow a motion to dissolve individual committees, only the four as a group.

Branham said his office staff would vet the two agencies and make a decision.
