Our View: CCPS project a win for community

When it comes to entities that manage taxpayers’ dollars, every step taken to save money is one in the right direction.

Thus is the case of a project designed to save energy costs at Clark County Public Schools.

Work is in progress on a nearly $8 million energy savings project involving six schools in district.

The project is a guaranteed energy savings contract, meaning the cost of the project will be paid for through the savings over the next 20 years.

An added benefit is if the district does not realize the projected savings, the company contracted to complete the project is required to reimburse the difference.

The project has three primary areas of focus: heating and cooling, electric and lighting and water, and besides the energy cost savings, the project creates a more comfortable learning and teaching atmosphere.

Since it’s construction, George Rogers Clark High School has been lauded as one of the most energy efficient public schools in the state. This project will begin the process of bringing the community’s other schools up to par.

All around their project is the win for everyone affected, from the taxpayer, to the students and teachers and the district as a whole.

We commend the Clark County Board of Education for moving forward with this project and the district officials who have the vision to make Clark County schools the best they can be.
