Fiscal Court begins evening meetings today

Beginning today, the Clark County Fiscal Court will move one of its regular monthly meetings to the evening in hopes more people will be able to attend.

The court voted earlier this year to move its second regular meeting of the month to the fourth Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

The court’s other scheduled meetings will be the second Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Both meetings will be in the fiscal courtroom in the Clark County Courthouse.

Clark County Judge-Executive Chris Pace said previously an evening meeting would give more people the opportunity to attend, particularly if they work during the day or outside of Clark County.

The agenda for tonight’s meeting includes reviewing the fiscal year 2020 budget for the Clark County Detention Center, reviewing and accepting the 2017 fiscal court audit and possibly hiring an auditing firm for fiscal year 2019.

The agenda also includes items to purchase an excavator and lease a dump truck for the county road department and approval of a grant application to resurface roads in the Verna Hills subdivision.

As the meeting is a regular meeting, items can be added to the agenda.
