Clark parents arrested for child’s ‘filthy’ living conditions

A Winchester couple is facing criminal abuse charges after officers found their home infested with insects and covered in filth, including their child’s room.

Jason and Melissa Baker, of 9 Sylvania Ave., are facing one count of first-degree criminal abuse each, after Winchester Police officers attempted to execute a warrant at their residence Saturday.

According to arrest citations, WPD Patrolman Terry Cockrell went to the residence to serve a warrant from court on Melissa Baker.

Cockrell said he noticed the door was not secured, but no one answered. Through the window, he said he saw the house in disarray and feces around the house.

After meeting with the Bakers and arresting Melissa on the warrant, Cockrell said Jason Baker allowed him to document the condition of the house for a report for child protective services.

Cockrell said there were multiple flies on traps and other insects crawling along the floor and walls.

The kitchen sink had dirty dishes and moldy water.

The child’s room was also teeming with crawling insects, including the child’s bed.

Cockrell wrote it did not appear there was any bedding or clothes for the child in the room. There was trash throughout the house, along with the feces from four cats and a dog, according to the citation.

The Bakers said they have a 12-year-old child, but the child was in Louisville that day.

Jason Baker also said he did not know how much, if any, food was in the house.

Melissa Baker told police she knew the house was in poor condition and needed to be cleaned, but they never did, according to court documents.

Cockrell said he couldn’t check all the rooms because of the amount of “filth and feces.”

The Bakers were scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday in Clark District Court. They are being held in the Clark County Detention Center.
