Social club minutes for Oct. 11, 2018

NARFE has Sept. meeting

Chapter 1828 of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association met Sept. 25 at Taste of China.

Present for the meeting were Elizabeth Bunch, Denver Parks, Betty Hollon, Pat Gibbs, Janice Taulbee, Will Bentley, Cindy Bentley, Lila Omohundro, Wanda Bachman, Gayle H. Rees, Charlotte Rees and Martha Gaither.

The next meeting will be at noon Tuesday, Oct. 23, at Taste of China.

Wades Mill Homemakers group meets

The September meeting of the Wades Mill Homemakers group started with the roll call question, “What is one exciting thing you did this summer?”

The inspiration message was given by Sally Evans.

The lesson, “Mental health awareness,” was give by Nancy Strosnider.

The group planned a yard sale for Saturday, Oct. 6, at the Bypass Hardware parking lot.

Hostessed for the Mexican-themed lunch were Marietta Gyula and Ann Barker.

The new officers are Dolores Hess, president; Sallie Evans, vice president; Nancy Beck, secretary, and Marietta Gyula, treasurer.

Others in attendance were Ann Barker, Dianna Barns, Mary Ann Combs, Jane Hines, Pattie Frye, Auden Jacobs, Clara Kendig, Betty Stivers, Nancy Strosnider, Betsy Wells and two guests, Barbara Green and Ruth Patton. The new Clark County Extension agent for family and consumer sciences, Shonda Johnston, also attended.

The next meeting will be at 10 a.m. today at the Clark County Extension Office. The lesson will begin at 11 a.m. and lunch will begin at noon. The lesson, “Nourish your skin,” will be given by Maryett Gyula. A “tailgate” lunch hostesses are Mary Ann Combs and Jane Hines. Marcella Anderson will be the special guest, sharing information about her rug making.

Anyone interested in joining a homemakers group should call the extension office at 744-4682. There are several groups with meetings to fit various schedules.

AARP Chapter 632  has meeting

AARP Chapter 632 met Sept. 25 with President Elizabeth Gay presiding. There 23 members and guests present.

Following the pledge to the flag, Dot Moberly gave the invocation and Charlotte Pasley was recognized for having a September birthday.

Sandra Munday from Clark County Home Health Agency was the featured speaker. She informed the attendees her non-profit organization is a division of the Clark County Health Department.

The agency accepts referrals from patients’ physicians and Medicare pays for services provided.

She emphasized individuals should request her Clark County Home Health Agency if a physician suggests home health care.

The agency’s goal is to help people stay at home – whether short- or long-term.

Professionals on staff include physical, occupational and speech therapists.

Services include wound care, palliative care, recording vital signs and teaching home safety.

Additionally, they will check with a patient’s personal physician every 60 days and may also assist in preparing living wills and last wills and testaments.

Munday said Clark County Home Health Agency staff offer their help at local homeless shelters as well. For more information regarding their services, call the agency at (859) 744-1482.

Colista Ledford read the secretary’s report and Joyce Reffett gave the treasurer’s report.

Officers for next year will be Sue Staton, president; Corina Martin, vice president; Colista Ledford, secretary; and Joyce Reffett, treasurer.

Elizabeth Gay said AARP’s mission is to improve the community for senior citizens. Don Rose agreed to compile a new membership list. He needs names, addresses and phone numbers of all members.

The next AARP meeting will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30, at the James B. Allen Generations Center, 32 Meadow St. Everyone 50 years or older is invited.
