County to participate in tornado drill

Believe it or not, spring is on its way as is the potential for tornadoes and violent weather.

Because the first week of March is Severe Storm Awareness Week, Clark County’s schools will join in the statewide tornado drill at 10:07 a.m. March 6.

Clark County Emergency Management Director Gary Epperson said the drill will work like an actual tornado.

“It will be initiated by the National Weather Service,” he said. “Just like in a real event, the weather radios will go off.”

Epperson said he will ask the city to coordinate its weekly emergency siren test to coincide with the drill.

“When you hear the sirens, take shelter immediately indoors far from doors and windows,” he said. “Turn on a radio or TV and listen to the weather. Then you can make your own protection action plan.”

Epperson said he and some FEMA officials will be at Shearer Elementary School to witness the drill and how the school responds.

The drill, though, is not exclusive to the schools.

“We’d like everyone to participate,” Epperson said.
