Keller: Know God, know peace

Our world is drastically changing.

As scripture has spoken, we are living in perilous times. News reports of shootings, innocent lives being lost too soon, terrorist attacks, unrest and struggle are constant reminders we live in uncertain times.

Many times we wonder if finding peace in the midst of all this is even possible.

I can tell you with full assurance in the face of our uncertainty in this world, there is peace.

Jesus says in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

One quote reminds us, “Peace doesn’t mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”

Without knowing the perfect peace and calm assurance of God Himself in this crazy mixed-up world, we will live forever struggling to gain control, always finding ourselves in the inner battle with stress and anxiety.

Yet as we focus on God’s words, it can bring life to our souls, no matter what situation or circumstance we may find ourselves in on any given day.

He can bring comfort and strength, so we’re not overcome with fear or find ourselves sinking into a pit of worry.

Christ is our place of refuge.

We can never fully escape all the mess this world may bring our way. We live in a fallen place.

In the midst of what life deals us, we can know and experience a great peace that will help us remain steadfast and strong.


Often, living a peace-filled life comes down to a choice. We can chose to come to Christ, to set our minds on His Word, to trust Him no matter what, to pray in all we face, not to be anxious, to believe He’s always with us and in control, to set our thoughts on those things that are true and right.

We’re reminded in the word of God peace will not naturally come our way. The psalmist tells us to “seek peace and pursue it,” (Psalm 34:14).

Some may offer their own advice, “Get away for a few days, relax, be happy, take a vacation, tune out, don’t think about stressful stuff.” These are only temporary relief, vain attempts to cover desperate places of our souls with superficial and external fixes.

But the peace God offer is vastly different. It’s lasting. It’s confident. It’s real.

This peace breathes deep reassurance in the midst of all that we face — past, present or future. Jesus is truly the way, the truth and the life.

It’s His peace that brings an inner-calm this world cannot give.

A saying gose, “No God, no peace. Know God, know peace.”

Billy Keller is the Pastor of Trinity Church of God. You can contact him at
