Tates Creek clips Cards baseball, softball teams

The George Rogers Clark High School baseball team stayed in it until the end, but Madison Southern pulled away late in a 7-6 victory on Monday at Cardinal Field.

The game was tied at 5-5 with Madison Southern batting in the top of the eighth inning when Broc Parmer doubled on a 1-0 count, scoring one run.

The Cardinals collected nine hits and Madison Southern had seven in the high-scoring affair.

The Eagles fired up the offense in the second inning. Madison Southern scored one run when Hunter Buchannon singled.

In the top of the seventh inning, Madison Southern tied things up at five when Parker Ingram hit a solo homer.

After Madison Southern scored one run in the top of the sixth, Clark answered with one of their own. Madison Southern scored when Alex Kretzer induced Parmer to hit into a fielder’s choice, but one run scored. Clark then answered when Aaron Abner hit a solo homer.

The Cards scored four runs in the fifth inning. Ethan Neal and Chase Puckett all contributed in the big inning with RBIs.

Corey Causey was credited with the victory for Madison Southern. He went two innings, allowing one run on one hit, striking out one and walking one. Ethan Woods threw one inning in relief out of the bullpen.

Kretzer took the loss for Clark. He lasted eight innings, allowing seven hits and seven runs while striking out five and walking one.

Buchannon started the game for Madison Southern. He went five innings, allowing four runs on seven hits and striking out eight

The Cards hit one home run when Abner went yard in the sixth inning.

Clark racked up nine hits on the day. Neal, Chase Scobee, and Caden Easterling all collected multiple hits. Easterling, Scobee, and Neal all had two hits to lead the Cards.

Kaden Car White led Madison Southern with two hits in four at bats.


Lady Cards fall to Tates Creek

The George Rogers Clark softball team couldn’t keep up with Tates Creek and fell 9-0 on Monday.

One bright spot for the Lady Cards was a triple by Courtney Miles in the first inning.

Sophie Shelton pitched Tates Creek to victory. She surrendered zero runs on four hits over seven innings, striking out six and walking one.

Miles took the loss for Clark. She surrendered eight runs on seven hits over four innings, striking out seven and walking one.

Tates Creek mashed three home runs on the day. Eliajah Henson had a four bagger in the third inning. Peyton Plotts had a dinger in the fourth inning. Sara Kardos went deep in the fourth.

Miles led  the Lady Cards with two hits.

Tates Creek scattered seven hits in the game. Aeleyah Yates and Kardos all collected multiple hits for Tates Creek.


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