Letters to the Editor for Feb. 22, 2017

Trump’s election revealed left’s hate 

I’ve always enjoyed Charles Witt’s articles about Winchester and things that go on here, and had a lot of respect for him. But now that he has become a political writer, I’m through with him and the Sun for always knocking our president without even giving him a chance to get started.

He was not my first choice, either, but he is our president, so it is time for Chuck to move on.

The Sun is always posting cartoons knocking Trump or Bevin and the Republican party, so why not be unbiased and knock the liberal side some?

I was a registered Democrat for over 40 years, and became so embarrassed about their actions and hate that I did not want my name even to be associated with the word “Democrat,” so I changed over as many, many Democrats in Clark County did. They are now Republicans.

So why can’t Chuck make a little fun of his fellow liberals acting like idiots? The election of Trump did not create the left’s hate, it revealed it.

John Ginter 

