Clark brothers win accounting scholarships

Brothers Jacob and Matthew Omohundro from Winchester were recently awarded scholarships from the Kentucky Society of Certified Public Accountants (KyCPA) Educational Foundation.   

Jacob and Matthew are two members of a set of triplets. Both are senior accounting majors and said they learned about the scholarship at a family Christmas party from a relative who is a member of KyCPA. They both applied and were notified  they won the scholarships on April 1.   

“I was so excited when I won,” Matthew said. “I knew I would find out April 1 so I was waiting months for the news. I expected my brother to win the award. He’s really smart and he deserves it. I’m glad they saw something in me as well.”  

“It only makes sense that my brother Matthew also won the award because we were in the same predicament and we do everything together, including taking all the same classes,” Jacob said.   

Terry Elliott, associate professor of accounting, said Jacob and Matthew are model students. 

“Jacob and Matthew are the type of students you want in class. Their attitude is one where they desire to learn. They do tend to keep you on your toes during class- which I enjoy in that someone is striving to learn the material,” he said. “I look forward to any class with them. I appreciate the effort they put into the class to help make it a learning experience not just for them but to all in the class.” 

The Omohundros spent more than 16 months in France doing mission work, and Matthew hopes he can use what he learned on the trip in his career after he graduates in December.   

“My goal is to get my CPA and work for an accounting firm. I speak fluent French so I would love to be able to use the language in my field of work.”  

Jacob also wants to use his experience in France in his career. But before he does that, he is making another big life decision by getting married on May 11.  

“I would like to become an accountant for an international firm and get to use my experience living overseas in my work.”  

Jacob and Matthew accepted their scholarships at the KyCPA Educational Foundation Awards Banquet, held Friday, April 26, in Louisville. The organization awarded more than 45 scholarships this year to students across the Commonwealth.   

The KyCPA Educational Foundation was established in 1988 and annually awards scholarships of up to $2,000 to academically exceptional accounting students in Kentucky. For more information, visit  

For information about programs in MSU’s School of business administration, visit, email or call 606-783-2090.   
