Efforts to open mine in southwest Clark on hold

Efforts to reopen an underground mine near the Clark-Madison county border are temporarily on hold.

During a community meeting Tuesday with Clark County Judge-Executive Branham, Southwest Clark Neighborhood Association President Deborah Garrison said state officials told representatives of the Allen Company further permits were required.

“Basically, the last permit they approved here was rejected,” Garrison said. “They were advised to return with another permit after they get other permits.”

One of those permits, she said, must include Madison County, as the company intended to transfer limestone from Clark County, over the Kentucky River to the company’s existing operation in Madison County.

According to published notices, the company wanted to open a quarry on 131 acres along Athens Boonesboro Road. A public comment period ended in August.

Tuesday’s meeting was a bi-annual public meeting between Branham, other county officials and the residents of the area to discuss issues and concerns.

The other major project in the area is East Kentucky Power Cooperative’s continuing demolition of the Dale Station power plant. EKPC External Communications Manager Nick Comer said work has been ongoing for several months, though little has been visible so far.

“There are people working on the inside,” he said. “They are removing the asbestos and other things.”

The first demolition is scheduled for January 2019, though it will occur in several phases.

“It’ll go for a few months,” he said. “They’ll take down portions of the powerhouse at a time. I think around June or July, they should be done.”

EKPC announced in May it planned to tear down the more than 60-year-old coal-fired power plant, which was shut down in 2016. No plans for the site have been announced.
