Pumpkin-tossing teens get probation

Two teens charged with causing more than $30,000 to nine vehicles will serve probation.

John C. Hisoire, 18, and Matthew King, 18, were charged with first-degree criminal mischief and complicity to first-degree criminal mischief, respectively, for a the vandalism spree that occurred in January.

In court documents, Hisoire told detectives with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office he and King were driving around on New Year’s Eve when they found a frozen pumpkin. Hisoire said they stopped so he could get the pumpkin, then he threw it at vehicles until it shattered, while King drove.

He told detectives he was the only one that threw the pumpkin.

In court Thursday, Clark Circuit Judge Jean Chenault Logue told the teens they had made a bad decision that lead to some serious consequences.

“This really bad decision has caused you a big lesson,” she told Hisoire. “Young people make these bad decisions often thinking they won’t be caught.”

The commonwealth’s attorney recommended two years, which was diverted to three years on supervised probation for both Hisoire and King.

Probation stipulates the teens, who both graduated from GRC in June, must be have full-time employment or be full-time students and must refrain from alcohol use, among other conditions.

Histoire and King were also ordered to pay restitution for the $30,857 worth of damages caused. However, because insurance had paid for portions of the cost, a final figure of how much owed has not been determined.

Final sentencing is scheduled for July 19.
