Residents ask for meeting with county about Stuff

Residents living near Stuff Recycling are asking for a special meeting with the Clark County Fiscal Court to share their continuing concerns about the business.

In the past month, the group appeared at meetings of the Winchester-Clark County Planning Commission and Board of Adjustments concerning a zoning request and a possible zoning violation by the business. In those meetings, the presiding officers limited comments to the matters at hand, specifically zoning and land use.

“There were three meetings with more than 100 people and they were told they couldn’t speak,” Clintonville Road resident Tresa Bridges said. “So much has happened and so much has come to light. I thought it was important because people are getting angrier because they can not address their concerns.”

Some of the concerns mentioned in previous public meetings included health concerns, pollution from the site into the groundwater and streams, increasing noise and traffic from the site and the status of state environmental violations from the company.

“Their issue is there were a number of concerns voiced by residents that did not deal with the actual planning and zoning issue,” Clark County Attorney Brian Thomas said.

Clark County Judge-Executive Henry Branham said the fiscal court has no authority over the Board of Adjustments as its decisions can be appealed to Clark Circuit Court. Last week, the Board found Stuff Recycling had expanded its business beyond conditions established in a 2012 meeting. Stuff owner Jerry Joiner had previously withdrawn a zone change request for property he wanted to buy on Clintonville Road.

Branham suggested having a special meeting one evening at another location, but nothing was scheduled Wednesday.

Wednesday, the Clark County Fiscal Court voted unanimously to increase precinct workers’ salary from $125 to $150. The change will increase the election expenses, which are paid by the county, by $3,000 per election.

Clark County Judge-Executive Henry Branham said the funds for the 2018 general election and the 2019 primary election would be taken from the county’s contingency funds. The precinct workers last received a raise in 2009.

Clark County Clerk Michelle Turner requested the increase at the previous meeting.

In other action Wednesday, the court:

— approved the promotion of Lt. Chris Smith to major and training officer/fire marshal at Clark County Fire Department.

— accepted a petition requesting the resurfacing or repaving of Lulbegrud Road.
