Stuart: Being role models of Godly priorities

I frequently wonder what people are seeking in their lives.

People seem to be extremely busy, going here and there, participating in this and that.

I listened the other day to an employee in a store complaining the company had cut back on employees working overtime. Many retirees say they don’t know how they had time to work.

Parents spend multiple evenings each week transporting children to this game or practice, this rehearsal or recital, this class or this event.

High school students are taking college classes and many finish high school and have also completed the first year of college.

Now don’t take me wrong, I am as guilty as anyone with long work hours, projects around the house, hobbies I enjoy, parents to check on, children to help and grandchildren to spoil.

In the midst of all this busyness, what are we looking for?

Where will we find ourselves when we get there?

Too many young parents are exhausted from running the family taxi service. Kids participating in a variety of things is good in some ways and bad in others.

Somehow, I believe there should be time to just be kids — not practicing or playing, not searching or browsing, just being a kid.

Families need a little time to talk, share stories and get to know one another.

I was intrigued as my three “city” grandchildren wanted to dig for worms. I watched as they yelled, “There’s one,” or “That is big one.” I will be surprised if they ever do that again, but in reflection, it was a good time.

Of course you knew where this would lead — because I am the preacher.

On Mother’s Day, I reminded our congregation as parents and grandparents, we have a responsibility to train the children around us.

If we don’t want them to use foul language, then we shouldn’t. If we don’t want them to go to places with bad influences, then we shouldn’t go.

If we want them to grow up to get along with people and show love and care to others, then we better model that in front of them.

If family is important, they better see that in our lives.

If integrity is expected, then we need to show them how that works.

And if we think a relationship with God is important, then we need to practice that before them.

The Bible says, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all the other things will be added.”

In the midst of our busyness, our hectic schedules and responsibilities; in our desire to let our children experience all the world has to offer, in the hope we don’t miss anything in this life, if our children don’t see God as a priority in us, it probably won’t be for them either.

Enjoy the world God has created for you,but don’t forget we are here to worship the God who created all things.

Rev. Farley Stuart is the senior pastor at Winchester First United Methodist Church. He can be reached at
