Meet Your Neighbors: Becca Booth and Sheila Jackson

Becca Booth and Sheila Jackson spent their Wednesday volunteering for Operation Happiness. Booth and Jackson work for KORT Physical Therapy and decided to volunteer with their coworkers.

Winchester Sun: How long have you volunteered for Operation Happiness?

Sheila Jackson: This is my fourth or fifth year.

Becca Booth: This is my first year.

WS: Why do you volunteer?

SJ: We, KORT Physical Therapy, have been in the community since 1998, and we always try to do customer appreciation within the clinic and we like to be out in the community to do what we can.

BB: I think, for me, I originally came here because I work for KORT.  And that’s probably the initial reason, but I don’t live in Winchester. I live in Lexington, so it’s kind of cool to like, get to see I mean, like we’ve seen a couple patients, we’ve seen people we know … It’s just kind of cool to get to know more people in the community, especially because I’m not a part of the community.

WS: What do you do as a volunteer with Operation Happiness?

SJ: We are assisting the people out to their vehicles, with their food boxes, some have clothing. We mainly just assist them to their vehicles.

WS: What’s your favorite part about volunteering?

SJ: I like just getting to meet the people, converse with them and trying to add a little bit of happiness to their day … just making a difference to someone.

BB: I love meeting the people and seeing how many people have come out. There’s so many volunteers from so many different ages and it’s just cool to see how many people are here, one to get support and two, to also volunteer their time.

WS: What’s does the Day of Giving mean to you?

SJ: I think it means the community coming together to help those that are less fortunate, to be able to assist them during this part of their life.

BB: I think I would say along the same lines, seeing the community support each other. That’s the main thing, and to be a part of it.
