St. Agatha announces first trimester honors
The following students were named to either the principal’s list or honor roll at St. Agatha Academy for the first trimester.
Third-grade principal’s list
Addison Horn
Bain Kurtz
Joshua McBride
Marissa Thomas
Drake Williams
Third-grade honor roll
Piper Allen
Brantley Bond
Leonardo Corona
Sophia McNees
Zola Wheeler
Fourth-grade principal’s list
Jim Abordo
Ethan Parks
Waylon Stewart
Luca Vanoli
Fourth-grade honor roll
Lily Blythe
Marlei Maikkula
Ella Pace
Hollins Pumphrey
Mollie Grace Tucker
Ryan Witt
Fifth-grade principal’s list
Xander Cheney
Maahi Patel
Dillon Risner
Madilyn Wilder
Fifth-grade honor roll
Evan Richards
Benjamin Shultz
Sixth-grade principal’s list
Savannah Head
Lea Kraft
Lilly Kurtz
Sixth-grade honor roll
Sophia Boarman
Efrain Lopez
Emily Lopez
Jordan Pustelnik
Zoe White
Seventh-grade principal’s list
Mae Abordo
Reagan Barnes Daniel Kubican
Seventh-grade honor roll
Roman Cheney
Lillian Hall
Cole Horn
Emily Preston
Natalie Preston
Alayna Shank
Alec Skinner
Charlie Steppe
Alec Skinner
Annabelle Stewart
Katie Vetter
Eighth-grade principal’s list
Itzahy Lopez
Yuri Lopez
Eighth-grade honor roll
Natalie Shultz