Baker Intermediate starting ‘supper sack’ program

A new Clark County schools program ensures students are not going hungry.

On Wednesday, more than 50 Baker Intermediate School students went through a line in the cafeteria, grabbing a “supper sack” and milk.

The students could then eat the meal while waiting for after-school activities to begin.

Becky Lowry, director of food services, said she calls the meal a “snack supper.”

“It provides all the nutrition that they need for a snack, but it’s also bigger than just two items,” Lowry said.

Each supper sack contains five items.

“The meal has to have a fruit, vegetable, protein, grain and milk,” Lowry said.

Baker Intermediate School is the first school in Clark County to offer them to students.

Lowry said plans to expand the program, which is federally-funded, are already in place. Shearer Elementary School will offer supper sacks beginning in February, and Lowry said she hopes more schools will follow.

Since the program began Monday, Baker has already served more than 100 students. Supper sacks are available Monday through Thursday if there are enrichment activities offered after school.

The program is one more way the district can help to feed students.

“I think it’s a great program because you have kids who are staying after school to do these activities … and they’re hungry,” Lowry said.

Lowry said the program is especially helpful to students who may deal with food insecurity at home.

“We know some of them go home, and they’re not going to eat again until we see them,” she said. “So that’s why we think the program so important is to help these children get to have another meal from us that they might not otherwise.”
