County discussing theft restitution amount to state

With restitution in hand, the Clark County Fiscal Court is poised to reimburse the state from an employee theft.

Thursday night, the court was questioning how much the state is owed versus how much is being requested.

Jennifer Paige Adkins, a former county employee working in the emergency management office, recently completed paying more than $13,000 in restitution after being sentenced on theft charges earlier this year.

Thursday night, the fiscal court was ready to approve an order to send the restitution money to the state emergency management department, but Magistrate Travis Thompson questioned $1,653.97 which was supposed to be paid from county money.

“I don’t want to see the county cough up money that’s not deserved,” he said.

Adkins was the treasurer for the Local Emergency Planning Committee account, which contained state funds, but no local funds. Adkins was ordered to repay $12,915.68. Clark Circuit Clerk Martha Miller said the final payment was made Sept. 27.

Clark County Emergency Management Director Gary Epperson said he was surprised by the larger amount, more than $14,000, discussed during the meeting.

“I think they’re asking for a little more than they’ve got coming,” Epperson said.

Clark County Judge-Executive Chris Pace said funding for other projects is being held until the restitution is turned over to the state

“If its holding up hundreds of thousands of dollars, we may have to make a tough choice,” he said.

After the meeting adjourned, Pace said the county may have to “sacrifice” a little money in order to release the other project funds.

The fiscal court voted 5-1 to table the matter until the exact amount could be resolved.

In other action, the court:

— approved a rental assignment to DAM Holdings for the Clark County Child Support Services office.

— noted the indigent burial of Troy Devan Abrams Jr.

— approved a street closure request for trick-or-treating in Trapp.

— heard a presentation from Winchester-Clark County Industrial Authority Director Todd Denham about the Winchester Plaza TIF district and industrial recruitment in Clark County.

— approved to sell surplus property at a county auction.

— accepted the resignation of Crystal Amburgey from the Clark County Attorney’s office.

— approved hiring Christine Carrington for the Clark County Attorney’s office.

— approved creating the position of temporary part-time deputy coroner and hiring Neal Oliver to fill the position.

— approved the first reading of an ordinance to amend and revise the Clark County Administrative Code.

— voted 5-1 to immediately terminate the employment of Steve Noble from the Clark County Home Incarceration program. Pace voted against the motion, which came following a 41-minute executive session.
