Our View: Thanks for investing in Winchester

Winchester is home to numerous unique and successful small businesses.

From clothing boutiques to coffee shops, antique stores, restaurants, lawn care companies and so much more, many would be surprised at the number of smalls businesses that help our community thrive.

This year, May 5-11, is recognized as National Small Business Week, a time to celebrate, patronize and raise awareness about local small businesses.

While the businesses we celebrates are “small,” their impact is huge.

Research shows that small businesses account for half of America’s workforce, and more new jobs come from small business than any other source.

According to the Small Business Association, there are 30.2 million small businesses in the U.S.. Those business employ nearly 60 million people, or about 47.5 percent of the U.S. private workforce.

The SBA’s 2018 Small Business Profile reports small business Small businesses created 1.9 million net jobs in 2015, the last year for which data was available.

In Clark County we have a great group of small business owners who show grit and determination each day as they work tirelessly to make their business successful and offer a service or good to their community.

This week, as we honor these tremendous businesses, make an effort to spend your money with small businesses. Thank your favorite small business person or send a token of your appreciation to your favorite locally-owned business.

These business owners make investments of their own time, money and willpower to make our business community more vibrant and diverse.

Owning a small business is no easy task. It takes passion, perseverance, creativity and sacrifice.

We thank these business owners for taking the risk involved with owning a business and for the sacrifices they make to operate their businesses in our community.
