Stamm: Winter School starts Thursday

Winter School is a program conducted by the Clark County Cooperative Extension Agriculture Advisory Council since at least the 1980s.

It has evolved over the years, but the main purpose is always to provide timely information to help Clark County Farmers.

We have a great program planned for the 2019 Winter School, and we hope you can participate.

The next night of the 2019 Winter School is Horticulture Night Thursday, Jan. 24.

The focus of Horticulture Night is to highlight some new and upcoming opportunities for Clark County farmers both large and small: The Clark County Farm to School Program, and a new opportunity from Central Kentucky Growers Cooperative.

We will discuss the opportunities of these two programs, but also the challenges of participating as a grower, addressing food safety requirements, and much more.

The final night of the 2019 Winter School is the Diversified Ag night Tuesday, Jan. 29.

This night is reserved for timely production topics each year.

Our first part of the program will be focused on adding value to sheep and goat operations.

The last part of the night will cover anticipated changes in the industrial hemp industry in Kentucky as a result of the 2018 Farm Bill, and the most up-to-date industrial hemp research from the University of Kentucky.

The cost to attend Winter School is $10 per person thanks to our generous community sponsors. This will allow attendance to one preferred or the remaining two nights. A meal will be provided each night.

We have many sponsors that donated $150 and door prizes. All sponsors will be recognized each night of the program.

We would like to thank the Clark County Cattlemen Association for covering the entire cost of the meal for Beef Night, and the Clark County Farm Bureau for covering the entire meal costs for Horticulture Night. Please thank representatives of these two organizations when you see them for their generous support.

If you would like more information about the 2019 Winter School, or would like to pre-register, contact the Clark County Extension Service by calling 859-744-4682, or email or

Pre-registration is not required, but will help us better prepare for meals.

Clay Stamm is a Kentucky Cooperative Extension agent for agriculture and natural resources in Clark County.
